Epsilon Chi Chapter
The 330th Key to The House of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc
1965 – The “EXalted” Epsilon Chi Chapter was chartered April 1, 1965 at the University of Kentucky by Alpha Lambda and Beta Mu Chapters. In the summer of 1964, Ellis Bullock, a student at the University of Kentucky was initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha through the Alpha Lambda Chapter. He along with Brother Bradley Watkins, initiated at Clark College, became the Chapter Founders. The charter line consisting of Henderson Brinke, Dwight Brooks, Alfonzo Perry, Jr., Richard H. Sewell, Harold Smith, Tyrone Wilson and John Togbakollie Woods, were initiated into the Alpha Lambda Chapter in the fall of 1964 with the charter being granted to the eight University of Kentucky students by the National Headquarters in the Spring.
Epsilon Chi Chapter Alphas @ UK (Lexington, KY)
Beta Mu Chapter Narrative