Beta Mu Chapter
The 55th Key To The House of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc
The Beta Mu “Strong Arm” Chapter was chartered on April 28, 1932 at Kentucky State College, now Kentucky State University. It was the first Greek-lettered organization on the campus and the first undergraduate chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha in the state of Kentucky. Representing the General Organization were Alpha Lambda member Frank L. Stanley, Sr. and Alpha Beta Lambda member Henry Arthur Merchant. Charter members and original chapter officers were: William Colran, President; William Coleman, vice president; J. Waymon Hackett, secretary; Howard Givens, Treasurer; William Davidson, Corresponding Secretary; John W. Givens, Associate Editor of The Sphinx; Lonnie Moton, Chaplain; Russell Stone, Sergeant-at-Arms; and Brothers Stephens Samuels, Robert Thompson, James V. Washington, William Didlick, W.M. Thomas, Warren Whyte and James Drummer.

Beta Mu Chapter Alphas @ KSU (Frankfort, KY)
Beta Mu Chapter Narrative