ALPHA PI Chapter
The 37th Key To The House of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc
​1934 – Alpha Pi Chapter was originally chartered in 1924 at Atlanta University but soon passed out of existence as an undergraduate chapter after Atlanta University became a graduate school. The name “Alpha Pi” was subsequently assigned to the chapter at Louisville Municipal College on May 7, 1934. The charter members were Lincoln Blackwell, Jerome C. Hancock, Ray Russel, Frederick D. Waldrip, Euclid A. Whitney, George Woodson and George Woolfolk. When Louisville Municipal College closed in 1951, the chapter has been resurrected by Alpha Lambda several times during the 1960s and 1970s. The Chapter was resurrected once and for all at the University of Louisville in 1978 with the “Horrendous Five” reactivation line. Since this time, the chapter has maintained a formidable presence on campus and within the city.

Alpha Pi Chapter Alphas @ U of L (Louisville, KY)
Alpha Pi Chapter Narrative